单元一 休闲活动;世界各国;描述将来会发生的事;过去分词;现在完成时;描述过去的经验
单元二 现在完成时;描述现在发生的事;音乐;在机场;旅游;乘飞机旅行
单元三 过去进行时;一般过去时;引用、引言;描述过去发生的事;讲故事;交通工具
单元四 连接词;情态动词;代词;描述可能性;描述图片;情感;画画;个人物品
单元五 将来时;现在进行时; 描述将来发生的事;科幻小说、电影;环境问题
单元六 零条件句;祈使句;第一条件句;讲条件;打电话;使用email、聊天室等;地理特征
单元七 代词;转述、复述;描述现在的事实;提出请求;提出借口;描述习惯;作概括;家务事;犯罪和罪犯
单元八 转述、复述;转述别人问的问题;表达目的;表达情感;常见表达方式;描述人物;描述朋友、友谊
单元九 第二条件句;限定性定语从句;描述想象中的场景;工作面试;职业;市场调查
单元十 第三条件句;状语;处理困难的事情;复合动词;数学测试;记忆力测试;提高记忆力;描述后悔的事
单元十一 被动语态;非限定性定语从句;描述过程;计划一个露营;露营;小组讨论
单元十二 过去时被动语态;现在完成时被动语态;将来时被动语态;代词;描述过去的事情;组织活动;团队合作;极限运动
托福独立写作题目Question :
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Making sure that people such as the manager or your supervisor know your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed. Other wise you cannot achieve anything.
It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments; if you are not so,you will be never successful in life.
If people are unaware of your talents and other good qualities, you obviously will not stand out among your peers. To be successful you not only have to work hard, but you have to make sure others know you work hard, as well. Of course you should let others know of your strength and accomplishments, but the best way to let them know is by showing, not by just telling.
College applications-or applications of any kind-are a perfect example. Colleges want what kind of student you are and what kind of student you will be in college. You must show them that you are a good student and that you are interested in whatever you want to study. But in the essay, you cannot just state that you are a good student, are hardworking, and enjoy mathematics; you must show them. If you are interested in mathematics, then you probably did something in high school related to mathematics, such as the math club. In your essay, you must be sure to mention your participation in math club, but also activities your math club in order to show colleges that you will be active in your mathematics major. If you simply state that you like math, colleges will not be as impressed.
It is important to let others know of your achievements; otherwise you will not be successful in life. The field of science can provide many examples of the validity of this statement. In science, communicating your discoveries is as important as discovery things in the first place. Everybody knows that the scientists Watson and Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA. Many people are not aware that this model was first theorized by a female scientist working in the same lab as Watson and Crick. However, Watson and Crick published their findings before the woman published her own findings. In science, credit is given to whoever publishes first, so the Watson and Crick are given full credit for the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA. In order to be successful, you must let other people know of your accomplishments.
Granted, there is a fine line between letting people know about your accomplishments and simply showing off. Nobody likes a show-off, so you must be careful not to rub people the wrong way with your success. People always say that actions speak louder than words, which is good advice to keep in mind when you are trying to let other people know of your success. Don't just tell people you're good at writing. Start a blog and show people how accomplished of a writer you are.
The key to success is to play to your strengths and to not be shy about showing other people your talents. (460 words)
阶段 |
托福基础突破班 (50-80) |
托福突破精讲班 (60-80) |
托福突破精讲班 (60-100) |
托福精讲强化班 (60-100) |
适合对象 |
托福50基础, 或通过测试拥有 相似基础的学生 |
托福60基础, 或通过测试拥有 相似基础的学生 |
托福60基础, 或通过测试拥有 相似基础的学生 |
托福80基础, 或通过测试拥有 相似基础的学生 |
教学目标 | 托福80分 | 托福80分 | 托福100分 | 托福100分 |
课程安排 (小时) |
考试听力-32H 考试阅读-32H 考试口语-32H 考试写作-32H |
考试听力-20H 考试阅读-20H 考试口语-20H 考试写作-20H |
考试听力-40H 考试阅读-40H 考试口语-40H 考试写作-40H |
考试听力-20H 考试阅读-20H 考试口语-20H 考试写作-20H |
精讲课时(小时) | 48+80 | 80 | 80+80 | 80 |
外教线上辅导 | 10次(5小时) | 10次(5小时) | 10次(5小时) | 10次(5小时) |
系统刷题(小时) | 16 | 16 | 20 | 16 |
阶段录播课程 (期) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
辅导课(次) | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
阶段模拟(次) | 1次-2小时 | 2次-4小时 | 1次-2小时 | 1次-2小时 |
阶段模考 (次) | 全真模考+点评-3小时 | 全真模考+点评-3小时 | 全真模考+点评-3小时 | 全真模考+点评-3小时 |
总课时(小时) | 154 | 108 | 190 | 106 |
标准班(8-12人)学费 | 29800 | 19800 | 39800 | 19800 |
精英班(4-6人)学费 | 43800 | 29800 | 58800 | 29800 |
协议 | 免费重读对应阶段班课课程 | |||
住宿 | 精品4人间 | 精品4人间 | 精品4人间 | 精品4人间 |
07:00-08:00晨起(洗漱、早餐) | 08:00-08:30早自习(晨读、词汇) | 08:40-12:00导师课堂(每一小时休息10分钟) |
l2:00-14:00午休(午餐、休息) | 14:00-17:20导师课堂(每-小时休息10分钟) | 17:30-18:00学管师辅导课(知识点巩固、作业答疑、单词默写) |
18:00-19:00晚餐 |
21:00-22:00助教口语对练 |
22:00-22:30洗漱休息 | 注:封闭班一次课3小时、VIP2-3小时。其余时间为辅导自习等。等同走读上完课的辅导话术处理。 |