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Join Us for WIS Open House! 娃哈哈校园开放日报名中

Join Us for WIS Open House! 娃哈哈校园开放日报名中
2023-04-11 17:12:30 来源:中国焦点日报网

Welcome to Wahaha International School, a vibrant and inclusive learning community where education is delivered with heartfelt sincerity and creative enrichment. Established in 2015, we offer IB programs from Grade 1 to Grade 9, empowering learners to be global ambassadors. Join our open house and experience the difference of an international education delivered with sincerity and creativity.



RSVP today to secure your spot for the WIS Open House

即刻扫码预约春季校园开放日席位 请别错过!

Join us for an interactive and informative day, where you will have the opportunity to learn about our unique curriculum, meet our exceptional leadership and academic team, hear from parent and student ambassadors about their experiences at our school.


Open House Dates

2023.3.16 (Thursday) 9:30 A.M

2023.4.27 (Thursday) 9:30 A.M

2023.5.18 (Thursday) 9:30 A.M

2023.6.8 (Thursday) 9:30 A.M

|Grade 1 2023-2024 Admission Announcement |

|新一年级招生公告 |

No. of First-Grade Classes | 招生班额

2 Classes for New Grade 1

Vacancies available for other grade, please inquiry Admission Office for enrollment procedure


Eligibility | 招生对象

Date of birth: from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017

Children of non-Chinese nationals who are legally living in China (evidenced by passports).

Children of residents of Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan, who are legally living in Zhejiang Province (evidenced by passports, Mainland Travel Permits for Taiwan Residents or entry and transit visas).

Children of Chinese nationals who are legally living overseas (evidenced by Green Cards or equivalent).





Admission Procedures | 申请流程

Step 1: Join our Open House


You can join our Open House to meet and communicate with the Leadership Team of our school and have an in-depth understanding of WIS education philosophy, curriculum and other highlights.


Step 2: Submit Application Form & Pay the Application Fee


Fill out the online application form with your laptop:


If you have any questions during the filling process, please feel free to consult the Admission Office for help.


Tel: 0571-87157555

Step 3: Student Interview


After finishing the second step, the Admission Office will contact you to confirm the student's class observation time.


Step 4: Family Interview


After the class observation, the Admission Office will contact you to arrange a one-on-one interview.


Step 5: Confirm the Offer


After the interview, the Admission Office will confirm the offer with you and complete the remaining steps.


|Why WIS |

The only IB school in the Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

School-based curriculum based on the prestigious IB framework

Chinese Language and Culture curriculum to boost cultural awareness

International homeroom teacher and a Chinese teacher as co-homeroom, a high student-teacher ratio

Diverse educational pathways and various placement projects, including NEIA, Wahaha Schools's sister IB school in Boston, WBS High School and top IB High Schools worldwide.


Our Campus

At WIS, we cultivate responsible, independent, lifelong learners with good character, empathy, and leadership qualities.

Our school is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a professional academic team to create a unique learning environment.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is based on the philosophies and framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, enriched by Chinese and International curricula, which integrate worldwide standards and resources, providing students with cutting-edge international education.

▲ Student-Centered Holistic Education

▲ Extensive Foundation in Chinese Language and Culture

▲ Math co-planned teaching & Shared Resources

▲ 21st-Century Learning to Foster Innovative Mindset

▲ Differentiated Teaching to Meet the Needs of Individual Learners

▲ Restorative Practice & Positive Discipline

Our Activities

In addition to rigorous academic courses, we aim to provide a variety of activities and experiences to broaden students' horizons and provide various exhibition opportunities. We hope to dig out the bright points of each child and help them dedicate themselves to the fields that they truly love.

Our Educators

WIS benefits from small classes with a class size of no more than 22, more than 50% of the academic team has a master's degree or above and more than ten years of teaching experience.

Each class is equipped with an international homeroom teacher, a Chinese teacher and other professional teachers. Regardless of whether parents are proficient in English and/or western culture, there are many tools available to communicate well with the school.

At WIS, we believe that every child deserves to have the confidence, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in a global context. If this is what you want for your child, then we invite you to join our family and see for yourself the difference that a WIS education can make. We look forward to meeting you and your family soon!



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