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2023-10-19 17:17:46 来源:太阳信息网

「全球寻找100位合伙人」是一项国际性公益活动,由金尚品莲ALUM设计服务平台 发起、中法设计中心(联合国教科文组织创意城市联盟网络与法国圣埃蒂安市政府联合支持国际机构 )协办。集国际赛事、设计沙龙、专业论坛、项目经济、云选材、公益大师课、使馆交流会、企业家交流会、海外游学等为一体的行业系列峰会。

"Seek 100 partners worldwide" is an international public welfare event initiated by Jin Shangpin ALUM Design Service Platform and co-sponsored by China-France Design Center (An international organization jointly supported by UNESCO Creative Cities Alliance Network and the Saint-Etienne Municipal Government in France). It is a series of industry summits that integrate international competitions, design salons, professional forums, project economy, cloud material selection, public welfare master classes, embassy exchange meetings, entrepreneur exchange meetings, and overseas study tours.


Adhering to the public welfare concept of "win-win, co-creation and sharing", the organizing committee invites domestic and international design groups, launches international summits and holds international competitions every year.


The event brings together outstanding designers/enterprises from all over the world, recognizes outstanding performance and contributions in promoting the development of the design industry among individuals and enterprises through the competition, and integrates high-quality resources such as linked design projects and selected brand materials.


Under the joint witness of domestic and foreign industry leaders, senior experts, cross-border artists, college professors, A representative party, etc., the winners will step into the hall of honor of the global design community! The competition is open to designers, design agencies material brands and other professional organizations around the world.

圣埃蒂安因其在设计领域的巨大影响力, 2010年获得联合国教科文组织创意城市联盟 “设计之都”的称号。

Saint-Etienne gained the title of "capital of design" from the Creative Cities Alliance of UNESCO in 2010 due to its significant influence in the field of design.


As a member of the global Creative Cities Alliance of UNESCO, Saint-Etienne is supported by organizations such as the French Cultural Center, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the French Agency for Industrial Design, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Saint-Etienne Metropolis, the Saint-Etienne Public Programming Office, the Loire Provincial Government, the Metropolis Alliance, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Government, the Italian Turin Design Capital Office, the Hungarian Budapest Design Capital Office, the Finnish Helsinki Design Capital Office, the German Berlin Design Capital Office, the UK Dundee Design Capital Office, the Danish Kolding Design Capital Office, the Belgian Ghent Design Capital Office, the Spanish Bilbao Design Capital Office, and the Canadian Montreal Design Capital Office.


The China-France Design Center is jointly initiated by China and France and jointly directed by the Saint-Etienne Municipal Government and the Shunde District Government of Guangdong Province in China. It is the first international platform for industrial cooperation and exchange in the field of design industry jointly established by the two countries, which will bring extensive cooperation opportunities to the two countries' industries and have a positive impact on promoting and expanding mutual cooperation in design industry, enterprises, talents and other fields between China and France. Its purpose is to add strength to open cooperation and international development.

「全球寻找 100位合伙人」





「全球寻找 100位合伙人」国际设计峰会公益活动暨“IDA+设计奖”总策划

金尚品莲ALUM设计服务平台 CEO













Global Perspective:

Gathering leading figures in the global design industry and focusing on the strength of global design universities and enterprises!

Industry Matching:

Covering participants in the design industry to create a diversified industry ecosystem!

Cooperation Opportunities:

Reaching resources from the client side, truly realizing resource interconnectivity, and promoting win-win cooperation in the industry chain!

International Endorsement:

Awarded with honors by international institutions jointly supported by UNESCO and the French government of "capital of art".

Media Communication:

Diversified media matrix extends its influence to cover more than 10,000 media resources in the industry, with comprehensive and real-time coverage!



















International recognition: Showcasing the winning projects and the talent and expertise of the winning designers on a global scale, with a "Global 100 Partners" library.

Winning label: The winning designer will receive the right to use the IDA+ Design Award name and VI image for external publicity, through the use of the label on the website, digital communication, signature, print or advertising, regardless of time or geographical restrictions;

Honorary certification: The winning designer will receive the "IDA+ Design Award" trophy and certificate issued by the organizing committee of the "Seek 100 partners worldwide";

Inclusion in the catalog: The winning work/designer will be presented and promoted in the IDA+ Yearbook publication for the year;

Media promotion: Obtained the all-media matrix promotion and communication of the organizing committee of "Seek 100 partners worldwide", including but not limited to the promotion of websites, new media, magazines and other online media; Multi-faceted partnerships are also available to promote the brand building of award-winning designers and design agencies in the global industry;

Award Ceremony: The winning designer will receive an invitation to the 2023 "Seek 100 partners worldwide" Award Ceremony event. As the winning designer, we will take professional photos of your winning work during the award ceremony or at your award acceptance moment, which can be downloaded directly from the official link of the Award ceremony event and can be used for press and social media campaigns;

Online/offline exhibition: Award-winning designers/award-winning works have the opportunity to participate in online and offline exhibition activities at home and abroad;

Design exchange: The winning designer has the priority to participate in the international exchange activities organized by the "Global Search 100 Partners" organizing committee.

Industry empowerment: As a member of the "Global 100 Partners", the award-winning designer has the opportunity to participate in a series of private official design salons, professional forums, public welfare master classes, embassy exchange meetings, entrepreneur exchange meetings, overseas study Tours and other activities.

Eco-link: As a member of the "Global 100 Partners", the award-winning designer enjoys the exclusive resources for the project docking of Party A of the platform and the resources of the cloud material selection library.


文章投诉热线:156 0057 2229  投诉邮箱:29132 36@qq.com


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