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2024-04-07 17:31:42 来源:今日热点网



伍尔弗汉普顿流浪者足球俱乐部,绰号“狼队”,是位于英格兰西米德兰兹郡伍尔弗汉普顿的足球俱乐部,成立于1877年,是英格兰足球联赛创始成员,主场为莫利诺克斯球场。2016年7月21日中国财团复星集团以4500万英镑全资收购狼队, 2018/19年度赛季重升英超。截止今日,狼队在这一赛季英超联赛中积分排名第九位。

The Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, also known as the Wolves in China, is a football club located in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. Wolverhampton Wanderers won the 2017/18 English Championship and were promoted to the Premier League in the 2018/19 season.


Longding YIYA International Football Club relies on rich resources in the British football industry and is committed to providing excellent Chinese youth players with equal emphasis on studying and playing football in the UK. In January 2024, the club sent the first batch of 6 U10 elite players to the Wolves for trial and evaluation. Leo and Jackson were rated as key players in the second tier of English Premier League club youth training. In the future, the club will assist players and parents in connecting with British schools and clubs, achieving the integration of player life, learning, and football development in the UK.


In 2024, the trial training camp of Longding YIYA · Eleven Wolves has been reopened. This year, the second camp will iterate over the first one. It is expected to recruit two U0 and U11 teams, with a total of 20 top players of the same age in Beijing. In addition to the same part as the first one: participating in trial training and evaluation in Wolves, watching the league games of the English Premier League, traveling to key football cities such as London, Oxford, Manchester and so on, the club will use local resources to carry out small cup matches, friendship matches and other practical matches with the youth training echelon of the Soviet Union Super League clubs, so as to realize the exchange and learning of the players. The second phase of the Longding YIYA UK Camp aims to collect professional comments from scouts and coaches of professional clubs in the UK, including the Premier League and Scottish Premier League, on children's professional skills. At the same time, it allows children to truly experience the customs and football culture of England and Scotland, and ultimately explore their willingness to study abroad, achieving a two-way evaluation. No matter how the players decide, this trip will eventually become an unforgettable and exciting memory of children's football career.

The trip will be an unforgettable memory for footballers who are the best U10 U11 in Beijing!


Wolverhampton Elites Trial Training英国伍尔弗汉普顿狼队精英球员试训营

Enrollment contact报名联系人:18811577870 Feiyu



Location试训地点:北京市朝阳区东十里堡路常营体育公园龙鼎YIYA国际足球俱乐部 (扫码咨询)











文章投诉热线:182 3641 3660  投诉邮箱:7983347 16@qq.com


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